Mont Pleasant High School Class Of 1958

Missing Persons

Do You Know?

There are many classmates we have been unable to locate. If you know where some of these people are, please contact us through the web site or by calling or writing to Lois Gullott (518/399-4134; 83 Baldwin Rd., Scotia NY 12302; loisjuno @ Please help us notify everyone we can so we will have a great turnout at the reunion on August 16-17, 2008. The following have never been found, had mail returned recently, or may have passed away:

Blais, Arthur
Boone, Elbert
Cannell, Kenneth
Caruso, Peter
Clute, John
Coppola, Frank
Croxton, James
DeMarco, Kathleen Farina
Demasseo, Danielle Van Heusen
Dewey, Robert
DiLorenzo, Gail
Douglass, William
Ellerts, George
Enright, Doris
Greer, Thomas
Gressler, Lorraine O’Connor
Jewett, Michael
Jewett, Russell
La Montagne, Jean Gormsley
La Quay, Dean
Lawyer, Mary
McIntosh, Stanley
Mc Neil, Jeanette
Nelson, Paul
Pandori, Robert
Peterson, David
Preston, Bernard
Rade, Doris
Rodenmacher, Thomas
Rossiter, F. Peter
Rush, Joseph
Seifer, Robert
Smith, William
Snare, David
Stritter, Maureen
Sykes, Greta
Teagle, Edward
Truax, Ernest
Wormwood, Dianne Williams
Recent Returned USPS Mail:
Mary Schiano
Gerald Morton
Jean Lansing Jones
Frances Wilk Gressler
James Antonelli
Jean Lombardi Taylor
Elizabeth Wnuk Gabree
Martha ann Bizel Simpson



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