Mont Pleasant High School Class Of 1958

Classmate E-mail Address List

We Get Letters

In order to see the list of e-mail addresses for the class of 1958, type exactly these characters "Real58.html" (without quotes) over the top of the "EmailAddresses.html" replacing them entirely in your white browser Address window at the top of your screen. For the computer challenged, see Another Procedure below.

OK, this is a real typing bother. How come it's like this?

We don't put the direct clickable hyperlink to the e-mail list in the page you are reading right now so that those nasty evil automated e-mail spam robots can't use that link to harvest your e-mail address from the e-mail list. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Meanwhile, if you haven't sent your e-mail address to us, a quick note sent to roland.racko  @ (remove the spaces - another spammer precaution). will do the trick.

Another Procedure:

1) Holding the left mouse button down, drag your mouse cursor over the characters Real58.html

2) The characters will blacken (this is called highlighting, in case you are on a quiz show). Put your cursor into the blackened characters and click the right mouse button. Click "copy" with the left mouse button in the pop up window.

3) Move your cursor into the Address window at the top of your screen. Highlight EmailAddresses.html

4) Put your cursor into the blackened characters and click the right mouse button. Select "Paste". Then hit the Enter key.

5) If you didn't get the e-mail list, your highlighting was not perfect. You need to register for a make-up.

Isn't this fun?


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